вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


Here are a few of those: There will be parts that will feel repetitive, but her beautiful and witty prose made me forgive her for such rookie mistakes. Of course, rearranging the order of the poems wouldn't help other repetitive aspects- Atlas must have been mentioned three or four times as a metaphor, which worked the first time, but started to get a bit irritating. The book starts with the poet falling deeply and profoundly in love. All the poems were fantastic with a few stand out gems for me that I can tell I will be reaching back to reread time and time again. The main problem I found with the collection, as did many others in these reviews, is that it can feel quite repetitive within its small length. caitlyn siehl what we buried

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I never want to ask anyone else these questions ever again.

I would probably read another collection by Siehl, because there were a lot of poems here that were quite good, and more that showed potential. I am not a place for cowards.

What We Buried by Caitlyn Siehl

I sleep when it rains. But it definitely would have benefited from a little more diversity of topics.

I never wanted to start the book because u knew that when it ended I would want more than what I got. Growing up in a small town in New Jersey, she began writing poetry three years ago with the intention of bringing pain to the surface, of clawing through the dirt and excavating it before singing it to sleep.

After doing more research on her and her poetry I was instantly intrigued enough to buy her book. In this collection she explores different kinds of love, be it romantic both requited and unrequitedsexual, self-love, familial love, and she excels at all of it. Siehl is a great modern voice and a great read especially for young women in the midst of self-discovery.

Bend the light I am earth.

caitlyn siehl what we buried

Support creators you love. No one can hurt you if you hurt yourself, first.

More like a witness. By reading this book, I've confirmed that love and loss are universal languages.

caitlyn siehl what we buried

I want to find every stray animal and bring them home. This book is a cemetery of truths buried alive. Of course Plath used heavy symbolism and metaphors, so many meanings behind her every word.

What We Buried

The hard work that went into this book is easy to see and you can see the poet's beauty reflecting out of it in each page. Definitely a must-read for poetry lovers. Apr 03, Sabrina rated burked it was amazing Shelves: It isn't a lengthy volume, it's rather slim. I do not know why I feel the need to listen to Bubblegum B Jan 05, elisabetta added it Shelves: You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Notify me of new comments via email. No trivia or quizzes yet. Short and powerful, each and every poem was like an Elm tree in a forest planted by Siehl herself.

caitlyn siehl what we buried

Trivia About What We Buried. Overall this was a very solid collection and I'd definitely check more out by this author. She is incredible, and I can't wait to read more from her. However, the second half had some powerful feminist poems that I really enjoyed and I ended up highlighting a few lines. Dec 03, elena rated it really liked it Shelves: Everything else was just remembering.

She truly is a talented poet that writes in such a pleasant and profound way that it grasps the reader's attention from the very beginning. From the first poem I read to the last I was totally at a loss for words with her writing.

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